I know, I know. I promised I would try harder to write my newsletters and send them out more regularly. I suppose this is more regular compared to last year…
My last post mentioned that I had made it into the top 10 of a first chapters competition and unfortunately, I didn’t make it into the top 3. But I am still so happy that I reached the top ten. The judge was a top agent in the industry. To get that far…well, it’s validation, isn’t it? We writers are shy creatures who doubt the quality of our work, though we spend a tremendous number of hours creating our book babies.
I am happy to let you know I am about to begin chapter twenty-eight of my work in progress, Tiger and Thistle, and am currently sitting at 83,000 words. Phew. It is much higher than I expected. This is going to be my biggest novel ever and there’s no way I can fit this entire story into the typical word count for a fantasy adult novel. It seems like this tale has only just begun, though that was never my intention. I really, really did not want to write another series. And yet, here we are. My mind has settled on a duology, because I don’t want to commit to a trilogy, for reasons I don’t even know. And I already have the name for the sequel!
This story has me excited though, I will say. I feel that my writing has developed bounds above my first series (the Aronia Series) thanks to completing my MA and being part of a fabulous writing group. So big thanks to my professors and fellow writers!
This story is on its way to the finish line and will probably be about 100,000 - 120,000. I am also sure that it will be done, including edits before this year ends.
Then the agent search begins. Eek.
That’s all for now.
Stay Gold,