I’d like to start by welcoming all the new subscribers. Welcome and I hope you’ll stick around. Check out my website for more information about my published works: www.rachelpudsey.com.
I am not an avid newsletter writer. I probably shove one in your inbox once every 3-5 months. If I am perfectly frank, I’d say I have become quite distanced from social media and I would include this newsletter within that. I can’t really explain why, but I have lost my interest in self promotion, in scrolling through my feed. Perhaps I got a social media burn out? Perhaps I am just exhausted? (insert my yawning face here). Could simply be that I personally have an attention span that is attentive to something until it is no longer of interest, and then I move along to my next interest.
Who knows. Anyway, I have recently pushed myself to start a TicTok, though I very much expect that I won’t religiously post on it even if I knew it would better my book sales. Anyway, I am super rambling … Find me on TicTok if you wish to follow me @rachelpudsey.
The main reason I wanted to email to say: Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays. I hope you all have a great time celebrating the end of this year. I don’t have a proper oven (Korean houses don’t typically have them) :( :( so I will attempt a beef joint in the slow cooker (no turkey’s here - I was lucky to even find the beef joint) and tentatively attempt Yorkshire puddings in the air fryer. If anyone has any tips for slow cooker roasts or air fryer potatoes, feel free to email me back or comment below.
In writing news …
I’m going to be honest. I stopped working at the end of October, so it is coming up to almost 2 months off work. I would say I have spent the largest portion of that time playing Call of Duty 6 Zombies on the PlayStation and walking in the small mountain near my home. I did edit and complete a short story that I’ve submitted for a short story competition (results in January), and I managed to get one chapter of Tiger and Thistle completed, so it’s not been a completely non-productive time. T&T sits at 103k+ words and I am definitely reaching the end.
Well, I think that’s all for now.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, & Stay Gold.